Founded: May 21, 2007
Last updated:
 February 11, 2025
Current status: publishing weekly until the end of June, after which there will be one issue in July and then our usual summer break.
Next update: February 18, 2025

The Westmount Independent is an independent, Westmount-owned, weekly newspaper distributed free in Westmount, Quebec, Canada. Westmount is an independent municipality on the island of Montreal, just west of downtown, and a part of the Montreal agglomeration.

The Westmount Independent's  circulation is 13,500+ copies by Canada Post and at drops around town.
Our experienced team of local reporters, columnists, photographers and designers includes Laureen Sweeney, Jennifer Ball, Veronica Redgrave, Ted Sancton, Andy Dodge, Martin C. Barry and Ralph Thompson.

Recent editions:

February 11: Sign-up starts February 11 for spring programs, activities - Possible Canada-US tariff war threatens capital works projects

February 4: City’s ‘Frosty Fun’ winter carnival unfolds February 6-9 - $150,000 approved for expertise on ‘historic’ incinerator demolition

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All our past issues are online!
Looking for older editions? Check out our archives.

2025 schedule (all dates are inclusive)

Publishing dates (advertisement preparation is always the week before):
January 14 to June 24: issues

July 1: no issue (Dominion Day observance)
July 8:  issue

July 15 to August 5 – no issues, regular summer break
August 12 to December 9: issues

Early (Friday) deadlines: April 18 (for April 22 issue), May 16 (for May 20 issue), June 20 (for June 24 issue), August 29 (for September 2 issue), October 10 (for October 14 issue), November 7 (for November 11 issue)

Spotlight on Real Estate issues: March 18, May 13, September 16 & October 21

School issue: September 9

Content & stories

David Price, Editor, 514.935.4537, email: please type "editor", then the "at" sign, then this website's name without the "www"

Laureen Sweeney, Chief Reporter


Advertising sales

Arleen Candiotti, Advertising Consultant - 514.223.3567 - email: please type "advertising", then the "at" sign, then this website's name without the "www"

Beth Hudson, Accounting, - 514.223.6138 - email: please type "office", then the "at" sign, then this website's name without the "www"

Classified ads: 514.664.6138

Westmount links:

City of Westmount

Westmount Public Library

Atwater Library

Westmount Historical Association

Centre Greene



The Westmount Independent is distributed by Canada Post in Westmount and at drop-offs around Westmount. 

Most reliable pick-up: 310 Victoria Bldg. lobby (Victoria Ave. and de Maisonneuve Blvd.)

2nd most reliable pick-up: Metro grocery store (Victoria Ave. & Sherbrooke St.)

Also: Victoria Hall, Westmount city hall, Westmount Public Library, Westmount Square tabagie, Atwater Library and at many coffee shops, salons and waiting rooms. 


Letters of Support

13,500+ physical copies DW, plus low-resolution email and web versions ● Distribution: Tuesday to Friday (longer when interrupted by postal holidays)

Letters for publication: We welcome your letters but reserve the right to choose and edit them. Please limit them to 300 words and submit before Friday 10 am to be considered for publication the following week. Please check your letter carefully as we may be unable to make subsequently submitted changes. Letter writers should not expect to be published in every issue, or in back-to-back issues, or repeatedly in the same season or on the same topic. Please include your name and street for publication (or borough or municipality if you do not live in Westmount), but not your address (unless you want it published).

Press time: Monday at 10:30 am (except before long weekends, Friday at 10:30 am)
The Westmount Independent is owned by Sherbrooke-Valois Inc. 310 Victoria Ave.,  #105, Westmount, QC, H3Z 2M9

Sherbrooke-Valois Inc. used to publish the Free Press and Vivva Montreal, and hosts the website of Price-Patterson Ltd.